DotA 6.60

Cody says...

Finally! The long wait is finally over. After 4 months of re-visiting the Dota All Stars Blog to read the updates and the release date of 6.60, the map that we've been waiting for is finally released! Everyone was so excited that when you visit GetDota right now, it's forbidden. It is either everyone wants to download it right away or it is experiencing some problems on its server.

MUST download NOW

Debi and I are excited to test this map (MUST play later). Here are some of the highlights of the new map:

  • New heroes like Batrider and Tauren Chieftain,
  • Improved Razor (aaah! my favorite), viper, vengeful, medusa, etc.
  • New items.
  • Reorganized heroes into taverns
  • Reorganized all the recipe shops
  • New game modes such as CaptainsDraft (-cd), Randomside(-rs), -random Agility/Strength/Intelligence.
  • New Hero kill sounds for 4x and 5x kills. (i wonder what it is)
  • and of course, bug fixes.
I'll post here the newly improved razor.
Strength: 17 +1.9
Agility: 22 +2.5
Intelligence: 19 + 2.2

Attack Range: 475
Movement Speed: 295

Plasma Field:
Razor releases a wave energetic plasma which grows in power as it extends outwards. Deals damage to units both on expansion and on contraction. The further the plasma is from razor the more energy it has.

Unstable Current:
Passive. Increases the movement speed and reflects a static charge whenever targeted, dealing damage and purging the unit briefly.

Static Link:
Taps into the energy of a target hero, creating a charged link between Razor and his foe. As long as this link is maintained, Razor will continue to steal damage from the target and adds it to his own.

Eye of the Storm:
The Lightning Revenant calls upon a powerful storm of crackling energy, which strikes weakened enemies with deadly bolts of lightning. The storm is charged with Razor's malevolent will, and will seek out only the most injured targets for its armor shattering blasts.

aaaaaaah. for sure, it will be much harder to enter rooms on gArena later. so there, dota players abound, let's play laterrrrrrrr!


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